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WindowsID = AddExplorerBarImageGroup(Title$, *NormalImageID, *HotImageID, *PressedImageID, *SelectedImageID, *HotSelectedImageID, PressedSelectedImageID, *DisabledImageID, isCollapsed.b)


Adds an empty Group with header icon/image to the current previously created ExplorerBar.

Title$ is the text that will be displayed as the ExplorerBar Group's title/header.

*NormalImageID, *HotImageID, *PressedImageID and *DisabledImageID are pointers to the image data for the various Group un-collapsed states.

*SelectedImageID, *HotSelectedImageID and *PressedSelectedImageID are pointers to the image data for the various Group collapsed states.

Specifying isCollapsed.b as true will initially create and display the Group in it's collapsed state instead of the default un-collapsed.


Returns the WindowsID (HWND) of the ExplorerBar Group header or zero for failure.


See ExplorerBarItem, ExplorerBarImageItem.



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